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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


July 12, 2021


Monday. To sleep reasonably quickly to awaken a couple of times starting around five, blink and find it a quarter after six and so up to walk to breakfast under overcast skies, the temperature colder than I'd guessed and so somewhat uncomfortable in just a long sleeved shirt and light summer jacket. Arrived at the usual time to enter the indoor dining area, turn on the lights and settle in at my table, only one other diner showing up before I left and only two or three out on the patio.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee, the weight doing well on the scale this morning, finishing up before nine to set out for home, the temperature still cold and so shivered just a bit while walking. Took the usual series of pictures, still wearing a mask, not at all tired although a bit out of breath when I reached the apartment after climbing the hill.

Took the selfie in the lobby (of course) before settling down at the computer to wrestle with yesterday's entry before posting and starting on this morning's pictures, finishing this section by eleven-thirty. Now to think about getting to Sausalito later this afternoon, rechecking the bus and train schedules and maybe taking a bath before I set out.

Later. Missed the first bus at one by a minute, caught the next bus thirty minutes later to get off at the 20th Street stop to discover the 19th Street BART station was under construction and so had to find an open entrance, wound up sitting on the wrong level, realized it after ten minutes and so found the correct platform to catch the train to San Francisco and get off at the Embarcadero station. OK, by now it was well after two, but didn't need to worry as the ferry wasn't due to leave until three-forty.

The ferry terminal is over a mile away, but a trolley was coming along just as I reached its stop and so to Pier 41 and the terminal to wait over an hour for the ferry to arrive, get on, go to Angel Island on the way to Sausalito by four-forty to meet Mr. & Mrs. K. and their good friend Ms. McK. for what turned out to be a very good two hour conversation and dinner. Again, interesting to see my stay inside phobia disintegrating the second I'd stuck my head out the door.

The ferry back directly to San Francisco this time, a walk and then a trolley to Market and Embarcadero to walk to the station and catch the train right as it was leaving for Oakland, getting off at 14th Street to discover they'd changed the bus stop locations and so missed the bus by two minutes by walking to the wrong place.

No cabs at the old cab stand on 12th, dark and not many people about. Caught another bus thirty minutes later to find I was its only passenger, getting off at my stop and home by nine. This is really the first time I've seen downtown Oakland up close since the start of the pandemic.

A long day. A very good day in finally meeting Mr. K. in person after many decades of on and off correspondence, one of the more interesting people from the old Austin crowd I'd met in the late sixties and early eventies in San Francisco.

Evening. To bed right away after getting home to sleep, I'm guessing, sooner than later.

The photo up top was taken at the 2016 San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.