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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


June 1, 2019


Saturday. Lights out fifteen minutes later than usual last night, awakening fifteen minutes later than usual this morning at six-ten. I'm guessing that's good, the body getting what it needs these nights, adjusting for whenever it gets to sleep. Overcast, of course, a walk to breakfast with the eyes watering a little more than in the recent past, arriving to find the restaurant open, but the dining room lights out and so entered, turned on the lights and settled in with the papers. That Chronicle that hadn't been delivered yesterday had shown up with today's Chronicle this morning. Such is life.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast again, two pounds under the target on the scale this morning. Maybe eat something more over the top later, don't want to let that number get any lower.

Finished by eight-forty, the sky still overcast, but brighter, taking the usual pictures to include an event of some sort that had been setting up as I was walking in. I vaguely remembered something that looked like it last year, starting early, finishing early, something about stopping human trafficking mentioned on one of the signs. Maybe we'll return to take a look after finishing this. Maybe we won't.

On home, taking another snapshot of these ever present scooters and another selfie in the lobby, up to post yesterday's entry and figure out what one does on the first day of a month. They're saying it will approach seventies degrees later and be clear as a bell for the next nine days. Please?

Later. A walk over to the lake to see what had been happening at the lake to find the last remaining members packing up after a 5K run against human trafficking, remembering then the one from last year, reading later that this was the second time they've run the event. I'd, of course, packed a camera, but found no reason to take it out of the backpack for a picture and was in no mood to stay, so back to the apartment.

Evening. Watched a couple of so-so movies on the tablet, watched the tail end of two golf tournaments on television and that was it for the afternoon. No excuses. Nothing in the way of German-Norwegian-Danish-French-Italian programs on television at six and so gave up by eight-thirty to head for bed, lights out and radio off at nine-eighteen. I remember thinking, as I glanced at the clock, might as well remember that and it seems, this morning, that I did.

The photo up top was taken at the 2018 How Weird Street Faire with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.