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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


March 15, 2020


Sunday. Awoke again with the alarm and so taking longer to get to sleep last night has had an effect. Up to head out the door and drive to breakfast under a very light rain, arriving just before seven to find the restaurant dark again, but with a light back in the kitchen and so opened the dining area door, turned on the lights and settled in with the papers, the coronavirus dominating the news.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee because I couldn't think of anything else that appealed, finishing up just after nine, other diners having arrived toward the end, all of them people I recognized from past Sundays. The numbers are down, but people are still eating out, one of this mornings stories mentioning the same thing was happening in San Francisco: the downtown restaurants were empty, but the more suburban restaurants were still attracting diners.

No thought to do other than drive straight home, take an out of focus selfie in the apartment house lobby and settle in at the computer to finish yesterday's entry before posting. Nothing on the schedule for the day, although looking forward to this evenings Democratic debate. Sanders is undoubtedly toast, but I'd like to see how Biden holds up under questioning. We youngsters want to know.

Later. Watched some of the 2019 Players tournament until the channel started flaking out. The five channels I recently lost altogether are still dark. Don't want to think about it. Watched another series I'd not heard of before on Britbox and then listened to Governor Newsom's news conference where he called for the closure of all bars, pubs, nightclubs and wineries as well as recommending restaurants cut the number of people they serve and provide proper distancing between diners. Not sure what that means for my morning café, but I suspect, if I were being more rational, I'd start staying home too, if not today, then tomorrow.

He also suggested the isolation of people over sixty. We too are over sixty, if you've been paying attention.

Evening. For some reason I thought the debate this evening started at six, as had the earlier debates, but learned it was scheduled for five and so missed most of the first hour. There will be a recorded version somewhere starting (one hopes) tomorrow and so I'll catch up then. Biden was bullshitting through most of what I watched, but I suspect he's been effective enough to carry it off, an audience that hasn't followed the specific issues closely. Still, there were some questions on climate change the earlier debates didn't touch.

You don't trust Biden on climate change?

On climate change, health care or foreign policy.

The photo up top was taken at the San Francisco 2018 Chinese New Year Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.