
May 25, 2007
Tough Seven
Friday. A few glasses of Guinness at a funky bar we've grown to know and love not far from the office yesterday left me not hung over, but tired this morning. With a three day weekend coming, though, we got out of the office early this afternoon and I'm sitting at the computer after a short rest, wondering what to write. Something of ground breaking importance, no doubt, something to do with the current state of my head, the temperature outside or whether or not I'm up for a movie later just because I haven't been to one in a while. I am OK with all this excitement. I'm accustomed to making major decisions on a Friday. You have to be tough seven days a week when you live here in Oakland.
The photograph was taken at the San Francisco How Weird Street Festival with a Nikon D2Xs mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR lens at 1/1000th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.
