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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 10, 2021


Monday. Lights out before ten to then take forever to get to sleep, the head clear and for whatever reason not wanting to shut itself down and so watched the clock tick off the hours: midnight, one, two, three, four, five. Some of that must have been fitful sleep, but the night seemed to go on forever, finally turning on Democracy Now! when it turned six and setting out to drive to breakfast at the usual time, the head foggy, the attitude marginal.

Parked by the 7-11 store and entered the restaurant indoor dining area to turn on the lights and settle in with the papers. OK, the head clear enough to read with some interest, but I hope nights like these don't become common.

The oatmeal, toast, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up by nine to walk to the car, drive straight home and take the selfie before settling down here at the computer, wondering how long I'd last before I crashed.

Later. Tried, but didn't crash, didn't manage a nap either, but spent the afternoon in the usual fashion: stuff on the tablet and news programs focused on local shootings and fire danger. We appear to be under the gun again only earlier and in greater danger from fire.

Evening. The loud amplified music and shouting from the lake seems more like a weekend blowout than a work week's silence. The temperature approached eighty this afternoon and so I opened the bedroom window to let in the cooler air so I could sleep comfortably under the one blanket. We are indeed moving earlier than usual into this warmer weather. Lights out just after nine. Now to see if we can sleep straight through and not repeat last night's disaster.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 How Weird Street Faire with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.