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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


November 25, 2020


Wednesday To sleep pretty much right away to awaken then just before six in time to listen to the KPFA news and then Democracy Now! before getting up to walk to breakfast under clear skies again, the temperature cold, but OK. Nice to have the temperature behave. Arrived to be the first out on the patio, although later all the tables ended up being taken. OK, another day, on to read the papers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee finishing up just after nine to set out for home to take the usual quite diminished now number of flower pictures plus one of a bicyclist who'd stopped at the 580 Overpass light. Bright sun, but quite comfortable walking.

Home to take the selfie in the lobby, finish yesterday's entry before posting and start on the pictures when ocular migraine like symptoms arrived. Had to stop, go to bed and sleep for an hour. Over an hour, not finishing the pictures until the middle of the afternoon and starting on this in the early evening.

Evening. Watched Midsomer Murders all the way through. Not exactly sure why the eventual culprit, when she was caught, did what she did, but the story line was interesting enough.

I'm thinking of going through my earlier entries, see what it was I'd had for breakfast when one of these ocular migraine-like episodes have come on in the past. I avoided things like bacon and cheese when the ocular migraines were more common as they were listed as foods that would bring them on. I've avoided cheese and alcohol and such, but maybe the bacon? Two strips? Enough to make a day come crashing down?

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 Oakland Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens..