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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


November 26, 2020


Thursday Overall a decent night's rest. A little uneven in getting to sleep, but not that's not unusual. Up to walk to breakfast, the sky clear, the sun coming up from behind the hills, the temperature cold with some wind, the sidewalk and streets fairly empty as you'd expect on a Thanksgiving morning. Said hello to the waitresses and settled in at my table with the papers, the first to arrive.

The single pork chop, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, this time, finishing up after nine to walk home under a now bright sun, the sidewalks and streets still quite sparsely populated with people and cars and so an easy series of pictures (when I could find them), the wind gusts more evident to me when they blew the flowers around when trying to take their pictures. Such is life.

Home to take the selfie in the lobby and settle in at the computer, this time going straight through the sequence of finishing yesterday's entry, posting it, processing today's pictures and starting here, no signs of an ocular anything hiding in the bushes. Which is a much better way to spend a Thanksgiving morning.

Later. Still no ocular symptoms and not tired enough for a nap, the afternoon spent in the usual routine: tablet, television news and more tablet.

Evening. Talked with my sister wishing one another a good Thanksgiving, she tired as well and so lying in bed. At least she'd been out earlier getting things done. Watched the first fifteen minutes of Vera starting at eight, was pretty sure I'd seen it before, but really didn't remember any of it if truth be told. Doesn't mean I hadn't seen it before, if pushed I'd bet I had. Decided I was tired and that Vera would figure out who'd done the deed without my watching and so to bed, lights out at the usual time just after ten.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 Oakland Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens..