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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 29, 2018


Monday. Lights out before ten to awaken then at a quarter to six. Sort of awake, anyway. Felt better than I did yesterday listening to Democracy Now! discuss murder and mayhem for forty minutes as I got ready to walk to breakfast on a dark, but not overly cold morning. Arrived just before seven, the restaurant open.

The French toast with sliced fruit, fruit cup and coffee breakfast over the papers, finishing before nine. Overcast and grey, not many people on the sidewalk as I was setting out, but the head less fried than in the past and so played around shooting more pictures than I might otherwise. No complaints. The street resurfacing crew was laying down the last of the street blacktop when I got close to home so that's out of the way after today. Also good. Another picture in the apartment lobby.

Edited and posted yesterday's entry, no thoughts to crash and attempt a nap, still no sun as it approached eleven, but the head feels good and the day feels the same way. We'll see. We'll go by the post office to mail the ballot, a good excuse to get out the door, and maybe be up to do something more later.

Later. Out the door with the ballot envelope in hand to walk to the post office and place it in one of the sidewalk boxes. Good. Done. Needs to be there by Monday. It will be there at the latest on Wednesday. Hup!

Seems like a lot of hand wringing and angst for something as simple as mailing a ballot.

I've been a little freaked at how long I've been putting it off, more for feeling fuzzy headed and not up for it than the delay.

A walk on to the ice cream shop and have two scoops in a cup. Haven't done that in a while. On then to the lake to sit on one of the benches, take the camera out of the backpack and attempt pictures of two young men who were trying to speed over a three stair drop in the pavement, missing half the time, they and their scooters bouncing along on the pavement. I'm sure the Bird and Lime people will be amused when they count the scrapes and dents later when they pick them up this evening.

Back home along the shore, passing under a line of pigeons sitting on the white column pergola, by two pelicans sitting on the floating boom around the fountain and then on to Grand to take a shot of the street construction on Euclid now looking closer to completion.

Evening. Nothing on television and so to bed early, watching a Masterpiece Theater series on the tablet. A good day? A bad day? More good than bad, I'd say, given how it's been going these days. Lights out by ten, again.

The 2015 Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Street Festival taken with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.