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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 15, 2019


Tuesday. To sleep soon enough, awakening briefly when I felt an earthquake briefly shake the building. I'm pretty sure. I'll check the online newspapers to see if they've reported it. Otherwise awakening for good at two minutes before the alarm was due to go off at six-fifteen and so up to walk to breakfast on another overcast and quite cool morning, the eyes watering and the nose running, arriving at the restaurant to find it open with the lights on in the dining area.

The chicken-apple sausage, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee this time, more because I haven't had it in a while. Still have no idea what's in a chicken-apple sausage, but the weight was a pound under the one-fifty target this morning, so I guess it doesn't matter. Finished up at close to nine forty-five to walk home under the still overcast skies, taking an overexposed picture of the potted flower by the restaurant, discovering later a photo taken by the camera on its own, evidently as I was adjusting the exposure in anticipation of finding a cyclist or two at the 580 Overpass. No cyclists at the 580 Overpass.

Scooters along the lake and so a picture, a selfie in the building lobby, up to mess with yesterday's entry before posting, the day ahead. I should go by an ATM later, but we'll see in the next paragraph.

That picture taken by mistake seems more interesting that the ones you took on purpose.

I get them anyway I can.

Later. Cold in a long sleeved shirt and light jacket, should have worn a sweater or a winter jacket, but on the bus to the Broadway ATM to end up walking back to the apartment. A brisk walk, not tired at the end striding up the hill to my apartment and so a decent walk at the end of the morning.

Checked the papers. Yes, we had a 4.5 earthquake not far from here last night, it being the most severe in a small series of shocks. I was half asleep when they hit at ten-twenty or so and evidently only felt the strongest one at ten thirty-three. Makes you wonder, when they come, if this is the one that brings the apartment house down.

Lied down on the bed to listen to the radio for a while and ended up zoning out for over an hour, getting up in time to listen to the news programs that start at two. We seem to have fallen into a routine that includes at nap around noon, something that's considered normal for people who don't have commitments during the day. They say.

Which means it's OK.

Which means it's OK. Not that I have any choice in the matter.

Evening. Listened to the Democratic debate, checked afterward to see if they were broadcasting another foreign series on KPJK as I'd discovered they were yesterday (they were) and headed for bed when the program I'd dialed into the middle of ended at eight-thirty. Enough going on for one day, lights out again at nine-thirty, to sleep whenever.

The photo up top was taken at the 2015 Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Street Festival with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.