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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 30, 2019


Wednesday. Watched a series on the tablet until way too late last night, well after ten, and then spent a very uneven night seemingly half awake most of the time, awakening for good at ten minutes to six feeling pretty good. Clear headed. A little surprised after how I'd thought the night had gone.

No thought not to walk, although I should have dressed more warmly as it was clear and cold with gusts of wind, arriving before seven, the restaurant open, but just. Turned the lights on in the dining area and settled in with the papers.

The two strips of bacon, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up around eight-forty to walk home, noting that gas prices had gone up again, even though the press has been reporting gas prices seem higher by thirty cents a gallon that no one seems able to justify. Who'd a thought?

The usual set of pictures on the way, the store window, the woman on a scooter at the 580 Overpass, a line of what I think are Lyft scooters by the lake, although I'm not quite able to make out a logo and the selfie, and, of course, in the lobby before settling in at the computer. The new monitor is due to arrive tomorrow. Can't complain, this old one works, but just and less than well for pictures.

The winds evidently didn't kick up as they'd feared and so the Kincaid fire was pretty much contained, so maybe we're making some progress there. Down south not so lucky.

Later. Watched more of a Korean series on the tablet before the news programs started at two and ended up listening to the three o'clock PBS News Hour while lying on the bed. Don't quite remember much of what was said. Oh, and the right leg is aching, part of the banged up right foot (toes) problem, after walking to breakfast this morning. Still, better to have gotten the walking in. He said.

Evening. Watched the entire game this time, the Nationals coming back in the later innings to win 6-2. A certain level of angst in watching these things, not so much because it went one way or another, just a certain amount of tension throughout. Have no idea why. To bed then just before nine, lights out soon after.

The 2012 Fruitvale Dia de los Muertos Street Festival taken with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.