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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 18, 2021


Monday. A fairly decent night's sleep, awakening finally for good at twenty-five past six to get up and take the blood pressure (normal) and so put off taking the blood pressure med until I got home if needed. I've had the pressure drop radically after returning from breakfast in the past, didn't need to take chances by adding the med.

Out the door to walk to breakfast wearing the heavy winter coat. They'd talked about some very light showers last night, but the streets were dry. And cold. Arrived to take my seat inside the dining room, only one other diner showed up while I was there, everyone else chose to be out on the patio.

The ground beef patty, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up thinking did I need to go by the bathroom before leaving, left, turned right around and went back to pass some air, but that was about it. Walked home feeling tired and a little dizzy, the bowels doing whatever they do when they're getting ready to send you a signal you can't ignore. Home to take the selfie in the lobby with the newly added Halloween stickers on the mirrors to hastily head to the bathroom and arrive just in time.

Took the blood pressure as I was really feeling weak and a little dizzy: 74/51, 90/72, 77/57. Oh. Crashed on the bed.

Ten-thirty: 81/57, 93/61, 89/54. Double oh. Eleven-fifty: 106/59, 108/67, 108/63. Better.

Later. Into the 120's over sixties and seventies by three. We need some feedback from the cardiologist tomorrow. Otherwise flat on my back watching movies on the tablet, not much interest or energy in attempting anything else.

Evening. The blood pressure is up, but still tired and so, since there's nothing on television, went to bed at seven, put away the tablet and turned out the lights.

The photo up top was taken at the Oakland 2014 Chinatown StreetFest with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.