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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 19, 2021


Tuesday. Lights out before eight, my lights out not long after nine and so a decent night's rest, even though I awoke at five thirty to (what else?) take the blood pressure to find it well behaved, getting up at the usual time after seven to walk to breakfast under partly cloudy blue skies, again in the heavy winter jacket as it was a bit cold. Arrived to settle in at my indoor dining room table and start on the papers, three people joining me eventually while I was there for breakfast.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee, still at the bottom of my target weight range on the scale this morning, finishing up after nine to walk home under a bright sun, taking the usual string of flower pictures, a shot of the Grand Lake theater marquee and on to the apartment to take a selfie in the lobby before settling in at the computer.

Felt clear headed and not out of breath or tired when I arrived, no running to the bathroom or any of the other ills experienced yesterday morning as the blood pressure came in up toward the top of my limit: 125/78, 133/77, 126/73. They say it's the one-thirties on top you want to avoid at my age and so took a blood pressure med later at one-thirty in the afternoon when I got a 134/66 reading to see if it would affect the usual higher readings that always appear later.

Later. Clear head, good energy, but didn't really use either to get anything done. Skipped the tablet, did stick my head out the door briefly to take a picture with a telephoto lens of the lake from halfway down my hill. We'll probably finish the afternoon lying on the bed watching whatever on the tablet.

Evening. To bed before eight again as there was nothing to watch on television and I was wondering if I could get to sleep early again.

The photo up top was taken at the 2014 Oakland Pride Festival with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f/2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.