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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 29, 2019


Sunday. Awoke very briefly at five-thirty, blinked, to then awaken with a start at six-thirteen, two minutes before the alarm was due to sound. OK, we drive to breakfast on Sundays and try to leave for breakfast a little later than usual as it takes less time to drive than to walk, and so up on a sunny morning with this in mind, still arriving some ten minutes before seven, the dining area door open and so inside to turn on the lights and start on the Sunday papers.

Somewhat over a pound under the 150 target on the scale this morning, but ordered the French toast with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast because that seemed to be what was in mind. Took two hours to go through the papers (skim through the papers), finishing up just after nine and so walked to the car, again without a thought to go by the supermarket (we have enough toilet paper to last another week) and drove home to take a less that serious selfie in the lobby on the way to sit down here and finish yesterday's overly long entry.

There's a Dragon Boat race today down by the Lake Merritt boathouse that I'll probably not attempt to photograph, just as I didn't head by yesterday when the races started. No thought to go to San Francisco for the Folsom Street Fair, saying this now for the third and fourth time, but it is sunny, the temperature is nice and there must be something I'll think of to lure me outside. Nothing on television I'm aware of, not that even the stuff I find worthwhile enough to watch is all that enlightening.

We're starting to drift here.

We started drifting long before this.

Later. A walk up to way to check out the construction site again, the narrow sidewalk still in place and so took a series of three pictures by holding the camera up over the top of the canvas covered fence. Back then to the apartment to see what they looked like.

Clear headed, but still nothing lured me outside again, more time watching football on television and then continuing watching a series on the tablet while lying on the bed. So much for making use of this Sunday.

Evening. Lights out and radio off by eight. Haven't turned the lights and radio off this early that I'm able to remember.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 Folsom Street Fair with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.