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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 30, 2019


Monday. Lights out, including my lights out not long after eight to awaken with the alarm at seven-fifteen, a longer night's sleep I can't really remember and so up to head out the door and walk to breakfast under dark clouds and a brisk temperature, the eyes watering a bit to arrive to find the restaurant open and so settled in to start this new week with the papers.

The avocado and mushroom omelet, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast. Stewed over it a bit, but that was the decision, if I can call it a decision. Ah, well. Finished up not long after eight-thirty and set out for home taking the usual pictures to include a bicyclist under the 580 Overpass. Still, clear headed enough, the sun having broken through walking back, another selfie in the lobby and on to go over yesterday's entry which contained typos and read like a lead log (or something similar).

Nothing on the schedule for the week, although I'm close to needing another haircut. We'll see how it goes.

Later. More time watching a series on the tablet before getting into the television news, taking a break to walk up the way to take three pictures of the construction site. I'd heard activity when returning from breakfast and there was an engine running with hoses coming from it that were draped over the fence and down to the construction area below as I approached, but otherwise no one on the ground when the photographs were taken. Still, they're making progress.

Evening. To bed by eight again to turn the lights out by eight-thirty (again), glancing at the clock sporadically in the dark until my own lights out around nine. Or was it eight-thirty? Early, at least, however accurate or not accurate the next morning memory might be as this is being written.

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 Folsom Street Fair with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.