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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 4, 2020


Friday To sleep sometime after ten to awaken at five-thirty with the chest aching again and so spent the next hour or so turning over in bed trying to find a comfortable position and make it go away while listening to the radio. It was half way to behaving there for a while, but these last few days we've had it come back just as strong as it's been in the past. Up to walk to breakfast on another overcast and cool morning to arrive at the usual time and settle in at my usual place out on the patio, papers in hand. Another day when I should have worn a warmer jacket.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee, finishing up by nine-fifteen again to set out walking back home, all of the few people I was passing wearing masks, the percentage seemingly getting better and better as these days roll along. A bush in a planter showing flowers for the first time and so a picture, on to the area below the Lakeview school where all the flowers have either wilted or been removed.

The sidewalk work performed earlier this week is now complete and so a picture, home to take the selfie and go through the usual paste together of yesterday's feeble entry before posting and starting here, finishing after noon. The sun is now out and they're still saying it's going to get a lot warmer over this coming three day weekend. Not sure what that means for smoke and the coming morning breakfasts.

Later. Tired again and so ended up taking an hour's nap along with watching another series on the tablet and half listening to the news.

Evening. The air is listed as Moderate in the Chronicle. Haven't stuck my nose out the door, so I assume things are OK with the lungs. I haven't really had any symptoms, haven't been able to smell any smoke, haven't suffered a history of problems with the lungs, but we check. Might as well with all this time we now have on our hands.

The photo up top was taken at the 2013 Carnaval Street Festival with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.
