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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 5, 2020


Saturday To bed before ten, to sleep around eleven to awaken briefly at four this morning, the chest feeling pretty good, to sleep pretty much right away to then awaken for good at six-thirty. OK, not horrible. Out the door at the usual time under clear skies this time, the police blocking off El Embarcadero again as they'd done last weekend, arriving at the restaurant to find all the tables set up and so settled in with the papers under a now bright sun.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee again (watching the weight), finishing up just before nine to set out walking home, the air still reasonably cool, but getting warmer now under the direct sun. Took the series of flower pictures which tends to make the walk go more quickly than it does in the mornings walking in. Keeps the attention and thinking on how far to back off the exposure and such rather than when are we going to arrive? Odd that. How time seems so elastic depending on whether your or not you have something that's gotten your attention.

Took the selfie in the lobby and settled in to post yesterday's entry and start on the photographs, ending up around noon to start here. They're saying it was seventy degrees at nine this morning, seventy-seven at eleven and topping out in the mid-eighties later.

Later. Ninety-one degrees at four this afternoon, the smoke index has been Moderate, but I see it's now moved up to Unhealthy For Some at five. They're saying even warmer well up into the nineties tomorrow.

Did the usual stuff, although I played a couple of albums, some George Harrison and Buffalo Springfield. Don't do that very often. Otherwise another cookie cutter afternoon under a very warm sun.

Evening. Nothing on television I wanted to watch and so finished one or two things I've been wading through on the tablet and listened to the seventh and eighth innings of a Giants game on the radio. Turned it off when they were entering the ninth inning and the Giants were hanging on with a one run lead. We'll see who won tomorrow.

The photo up top was taken at the 2013 Carnaval Street Festival with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.
